Wednesday, March 15, 2023

The chaos of trying to have a plan for filming

On a super hot Monday, with middle schoolers crowding all around the library, and cars crowding the parking lot, I finally filmed my opening.

While I think filming itself went very well, it was certainly a struggle to get the plan set up. Why was it a struggle you may ask? Let me take you back to the beginning.

In my original schedule, I had planned to film on the weekend of the 11th and 12th, but on Tuesday, March 7, I texted my actresses, asking them if they could film on Saturday. When Male responded saying that she couldn't make it on Saturday before the library closed at 6:00, I thought to myself, "it's fine, I can film on Sunday and Sophie should be free then." This is When I realized my fatal flaw... The library is closed on Sundays. 

So, I regrouped and asked Male and Sophie if they could film on Monday, after school at 4:00. They said yes. I was satisfied with this. It could still work out in my favor right? Well I had no idea the stress that would be thrust upon me later that week. 

Later that week, Sophie texts me and asks me if we could film all of her scenes first on Monday so she could leave as quickly as possible because she had a giant exam the day after and hours of homework that she was going to try to get done in study hall. I told her that I would try my best to get everything shot as quickly as possible so she could be out before 6:00. 

At this point I wasn't very stressed out but it had slipped my mind to ask Sophie if she had a bike at home (Sophie lives really close to the library and it would be faster for her to bring a bike from her house than for me to pack a bike in my car). Fatal flaw number 2.

On Sunday night, I'm packing all of my props up because I have a less than 30 minute window between getting home from school and getting to the library with all of my props. As I'm doing this, I ask Sophie if she has a bike and she tells me she only has her scooter. Now I'm royally screwed because I really needed the prop to be a bike, but at this point it doesn't matter since filming is the next day and my parents just informed me that they will not be around with the cars to drive me. 

I'm freaking out.

My dad tells me he can figure it out to be home by 3:30 and pack my bike into his car. This could still work, right? As long as I make it there, I have enough time to film between 4:00 and 6:00. But on Monday during first period, Sophie tells me that her mom is not letting her stay past 5:00 because of her huge exams and her study hall was stolen by a huge school assembly. 

So now I have 1 hour to film my entire opening, because, funny story, Male is leaving on Tuesday for California for a week. It is now or never.

When I get home from school, I check my bike, realizing the tires need to be filled and I go inside to grab all my props and equipment. My dad comes home right in time, unloads his car, fills my bike tires with air, cleans my bike, and packs it up into the trunk of his car. I manage to leave my house right on time and drive over to the library. I made it right at 4:00, unloaded my bike, parked it outside the library, and went inside to meet my actresses to film. All was good and I was ready to shoot.

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