Thursday, March 16, 2023

How was filming? I rocked it.

Now for the story of actually filming everything I needed. When I arrived at the library, Male and Sophie were already there and had saved a desk at the back of the library for all our equipment. I threw the props I brought down onto one half of the desk along with all the other girls' things and got straight to work. 

I started with Sophie getting to her desk, unpacking her backpack, and doing homework. This was super quick and would be a good little montage in editing. 

Next, I filmed the main scene where my characters meet. Sophie got up from her desk, walked to the bookshelf, and grabbed a book when it was snatched backward by Male, revealing her face. The two girls look at each other for a while before Male disappears with the book and Sophie returns to her desk before getting up one more time to go to the bathroom. I filmed Male walking away from the bookshelf with the book in hand and Sophie coming from around a corner to go to the bathroom.

I then got some shots of just Male sitting in a chair in the library with the book she grabbed and looking up to see Sophie walking out of the bathroom. We then rushed back over to the desk and filmed Male writing on an index card for the note for Sophie's character.

All of the shots so far looked great. I had changed my phone setting on the way to the library so I could film in 4k with my phone and I think that was a great choice because the videos look awesome and high-quality. We got a few more Male scenes out of the way before filming Sophie coming back from the bathroom and finding the note in her book.

Once we were done filming inside, the biggest hurdle was done and we grabbed all our things and booked it out of the library before we got kicked out for filming, which they tried to get us in trouble for near the beginning of filming, but eventually the staff just ignored us and we finished filming without being noticed again.

Once we were outside, we just had to film Sophie walking around the park and to the library before almost getting run over by Male on my bike. We decided to film this in the back of the parking lot since it was totally empty and would be much safer than trying to film on an actual street and take less time. 

It took a couple failed tries and some practice, but eventually we managed to get a great shot of Male almost hitting Sophie (safely, of course), and we quickly filmed some shots of Sophie walking around.

Guess what time it was when we finished. 5:00! It was perfect. Sophie was able to go home and study, Male went home to pack for her trip, and I got all the shots I needed.

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