Friday, March 10, 2023

I had a schedule... that schedule didn't exactly work out 😅

I'm not going to lie, the title of this posting is slight clickbait, but you're here and reading aren't you? That was my plan all along. Since you're reading this, I assume you read my past post about the schedule I created. This schedule included two weekends to film so I could choose either and film on any one of those days.

It's funny how things never go according to plan, do they?

Here's what happened.

I realized after making my schedule that I had completely booked up the weekend of the 4th and 5th. This was fine because I had allotted myself another weekend to film if necessary. I'm a great planner if I do say so myself. So, I was banking on filming sometime this weekend either on the 11th or 12th. This, however, did not happen. The reason why is a combination of the library where I want to film being closed on Sundays and the library also closing at 6:00 pm and my actress, Male, having practice until 4:00 pm. So overall, the weekend plan was a bust. 

But, there is an upside! We managed to schedule our filming for Monday, March 13th at 4:00 pm. Yay!!!

So perfect, now I have a set day for filming, this is good. All of my actresses are able and ready to meet me at a set date and time to film my project. It feels good to finally have something solid. Now, the only thing left to do is get them prepared by making sure they have the script to read over and telling them what they should wear and bring.

My job is to make sure to pack up all of my props and equipment the night before on Sunday so I don't rush and forget anything.

Well, that's my update. Things are looking up 😎.

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